Help Center

How do I cancel, shorten, or extend my stay?

If you booked directly with Sonder or with our partner VRBO, you can easily cancel, shorten, or extend your stay through the Sonder app or our website by following the below steps:


Sonder app

  1. Download the Sonder app at
  2. Log in to your Sonder account.
  3. Select “Booking details" on the Stays tab.
  4. Select "đŸ—“ïž Change dates" or "❌ Cancel reservation."
  5. Follow the prompts to fulfill your request.

Sonder website

  1. Navigate to the My Stays page.
  2. Log in to your Sonder account.
  3. Select the desired action from the “Manage reservation” drop-down.
  4. Follow the prompts to fulfill your request.

*Please note that any changes to your stay are subject to the cancellation policy you selected at the time of purchase and may be subject to rate changes.

If you booked with one of our other partners like Airbnb,, Expedia, Hopper Homes, or Plum Guide, you’ll need to log in to their app or website to cancel, shorten, or extend your stay.


*Please note that any changes to your stay are subject to the cancellation policy you selected at the time of booking and may be subject to rate changes.


For future reservations, we encourage you to book directly with us at to ensure our team can assist with all aspects of your experience!

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